There was just one problem. The homeowner wanted to know why Rockwood’s price tag appeared so high and why Signature Builders picked us. The situation gave us a perfect opportunity to clarify how we price.
At times, the level of craftsmanship and detail clients request increases our cost because we’re providing a level of quality and customization that cannot be rivaled. That said, we always want to dialog with clients to see if we can provide a competitive bid as well as exceed their expectations. We can pull out all the stops on your project, or we can be more cost-efficient. Our primary goal is to understand your needs and then give you the best value for your dollar. If you need something simple and functional, we’ll deliver on your project at a lower cost than the competition.
We sat down with the customer, looked at a competitor’s quote, compared apples to apples, and found our price was actually a little lower. In the end, this clarifying information helped Signature’s customer understand how we work and allowed us to surpass the customer’s expectations at a comfortable price.
At Rockwood, we listen first, ask questions, and then create custom pieces that fit your needs. Ready to get started?